What problem are you solving?

Dimeritium aims to solve the inefficiency of premature IT renewals.

Individual users and companies frequently upgrade their laptops due to perceived slow performance or to meet software requirements. They often deal with the dilemma of whether to invest in a new device or to keep using their current one, despite not necessarily needing the upgrade.

Dimeritium steps in to provide a clear, data-driven assessment of their device’s capabilities, thus saving unnecessary expenditure and reducing environmental impact.

What are your sources?

Research shows that a laptop emits 80% of its carbon during production and only 20% during usage (Lean ICT – The Shift Project, Hugues Ferreboeuf, 2019).

By extending its usability, a massive decrease in carbon emissions can be achieved.

Similar logic applies to smartphones and other IT devices, which also emit a significant majority of their carbon emissions during production. In terms of feedback, there’s a growing sentiment among users about the wasteful cycle of premature tech renewals.

They are seeking ways to better understand their devices’ potentials and extend their life cycles, rather than continually replacing them.

Why is solving this problem urgent and important?

The urgency lies in addressing the environmental impact of frequent IT renewals. With the tech market continually pushing new iterations of devices, users are often swayed into unnecessary upgrades, leading to burgeoning e-waste and unnecessary carbon emissions.

This not only has a profound environmental impact but also a substantial financial one. Given the increased awareness and concern about environmental issues, the time is ripe for such a solution.

The importance is two-fold: reducing environmental footprint and saving money while maximizing the lifespan of your IT devices.